On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Mark Howard wrote:

> right click->open with
... which is not as fast as <Ctrl-U>, isn't it?

> I don't think anyone is actually, there are other things which they're
> more interested in at the moment. Patches would really help speed things
> up - even if the code you submit isn't that great, sombody would look at
> it and hopefully work in it. Submitting patches also have the wonderful
> effect of motivating developers to spend more time on the project.
Thanks for explaining me again how free software works.  I see no relevance for
submitting patches if the code which provides a feature is in the history of
older versions available.  I think patiently waiting until those brilliant
developers of Galeon will find the time to reimplement these features is fine
for me.  I just was answering the question, which features are not yet 

Kind regards


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