On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 04:50:28PM +0200, Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker wrote:
> Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Michael Piefel wrote:
> >
> > To answer you other questions after checking on a machine with Galeon
> > 1.3 installed:
> >
> >> Am 27.08.03 um 09:38:47 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> >>
> >>>    - the "add bookmark to" menu entry to put a certain bookmark
> >>>      directly into the right place
> >> My menu has that entry, what's wrong with yours?
> >
> > ~> dpkg -l galeon | grep ^ii
> > ii  galeon GNOME web browser for advanced users
> >
> > This and all previous 1.3.x Galeon versions have only two entries in
> > the top of the bookmark menu and "add bookmark *to*" is missing.
> That's over two months (and two releases) old. The current galeon in
> unstable is, which has the "Add bookmark to" submenu at
> the top of the bookmark menu.

I think the point is that in galeon 1.3, you cannot add a bookmark
directly into a certain place of the bookmark folder, but only can
append a bookmark to a given folder. This forces you to then go to the
bookmark editor and move things around instead of just adding it to the
right place to begin with.

I can live with that, but hope that this misfeature will be fixed in a
next version or something.

As for the URL pasting thingy, you only have to open a new tab, and even
if you add the new tab button to your toolbar, you can paste an url into
it, and have it open the url in a new tab. Now you only need a similar
single paste technique for opening an url in the same tab.

I also miss the tab migration between different windows that was present
in galeon 1.2 but is only possible to detach tabs in galeon 1.3. But
then, again, i can live with that, until it is reintroduced again in a
next version.


Sven Luther

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