On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 03:53:42PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I forgot a further very helpful feature: External viewer / editor for viewing
> page source is missing. 
right click->open with

> And last but not least I'm missing the "Page information" feature.  No doubt 
> that
> the brilliant Galeon programmers are busy reimplementing this stuff
I don't think anyone is actually, there are other things which they're
more interested in at the moment. Patches would really help speed things
up - even if the code you submit isn't that great, sombody would look at
it and hopefully work in it. Submitting patches also have the wonderful
effect of motivating developers to spend more time on the project.

  .''`. Mark Howard
 : :' :
 `. `'  http://www.tildemh.com 

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