On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 09:21:02PM +0100, Julian Mehnle wrote:

> So can we please end this flamewar before it really starts off?

Why? Better give arguments than flames. 
So far I have not read any good argument why there is no good communication
between the people that are working on recovering services and the people
that need those services, f.e. the buildd folks. 

I canīt let the argument of "only 3 workdays" be valid. When Ryan has no
time, than he have let him asked why he donīt have that time? 
One reason might be that he is responsible as a single person for all the
buildds for three archs. 
Now remember the last months "MIPS port backlog, autobuilder machines and
some arrogance" thread. It was stated during the discussion back then, that
it should be easier to manage the buildds when only one person does it. 
Of course this will mean more workload for that person, regardless of the
fact that m68k has proven that a buildd community is quite responsive and
And now the same people are stating that this poor person has no time to
give some update information? 
Is it just me who finds that odd?

Ciao...              // 
      Ingo         \X/

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