On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 01:07:15AM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:

> > Unless you are the local administrator of one of the build daemons, I
> > doubt you'd have seen any of his attempts at coordination.
> He is, and hasn't seen any such attempt. Nor have I, being the DD
> responsible for the buildd he's the local admin of.

Well, this shows one funny thing at least: some people start to argue (just
not to say "flame") even when they are knowing nothing about me, who I am,
what I´m doing or my knowledge at all. 

> (Not that I agree with Ingo that there's reason for complaints -at
> least, not yet- but that's a different matter entirely)

Yeah, I know that you´re a little more patient than me, but from the
response I got and the talks I´ve had after that post, I can state that I
can´t completely wrong with my complaint because I got quite as many "you´re
right, go ahead!" opinions as negative ones publicly in here. 
It´s even worse than I thought. Some DDs are thinking of retirement because
of these reasons (and others of course). And some NMs being in the queue to
become a DD are actually fearing negative effects on their application when
they would start to say their opinion publicly. :-(
But fear and angst are things that a dictorship is using to suppress their
people. Did I missed a turn around of Debian from being an open minded and
democratic effort to become some sort of dictatorshipment?
Being the only one who complains in public doesn´t mean that I´m wrong. It
shows only that noone else wants to have problems with the DAM, ftp-masters,
etc. or have already given up (frustrated).  

Ciao...              // 
      Ingo         \X/

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