> Erast Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you do not see something specific, or newer versions, like(you can
>> find
>> debarchiver-0.3 but we have debarchiver-0.4 packaged), that means it is
>> not committed yet and we are testing it right now and will be committed
>> shortly.
> Erast,
> Unless you provide a written offer, good for three years, to supply the
> source on request, you *must* provide the source code for a binary
> alongside the binary. That means that the source code for a specific
> version of the binary must be downloadable before you can provide that
> binary. Providing binaries without the appropriate source code (as
> required under 3(a) of the GPL) or a written offer for the same (GPL
> 3(b)) is a violation of the license, and thus infringes the copyright of
> the authors.

OK. point taken. This will be "fixed" soon. Hopefully in Alpha 1, which
bits is planned to be release by the end of this week.


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