On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:29:16AM +0200, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Hi,
> what I am really missing in the current dependency scheme is WHY some 
> packages 
> define Recommends and Suggests on specific other packages.
> My problem with the current situation that you either do the policy of always 
> installing such stuff or you don't. There is no way to decide case by case 
> because there is definitely information missing in the description of 
> packages.
> OK, some of those are obvious but some Recommends and Suggests are completely 
> mysterious to me. And even after installation, I still don't know how those 
> additional packages do extend/improve/whatever the originally wanted package.
> It would be nice if maintainers of packages with Recommends and Suggests that 
> are non-obvious could state in the package description a reason for each of 
> them.
> If I file bugs about them, which severity can this be given?
What I thought about a while ago was this:
Package: mutt
Suggests: ispell [adds spell cheking while composing emails]
Suggests: urlview [extracts urls from email and can lanuch a web browser]
Suggests: mixmaster [allows you to compose anonymized email]
I'd see the maintainer create (or a user contribute)  a 'short
description' to accompany each suggest and recommends that is displayed
$SOMEWHERE.  So that the user can not just see a list of suggestions but
a real reason as to why you'd want to install them.
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