Le mardi 17 juillet 2007 à 09:36 +0200, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
> Le lundi 16 juillet 2007 à 20:44 +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña a
> écrit :
> > It looks to me like they are properly categorised and its the GNOME menu
> > which is misbehaving
> I have indeed to back out my previous claim. I'm going to work on fixing
> this issue in gnome-menus.

This is now done in the pkg-gnome SVN. I'm waiting for translations for
the submenus names before uploading.

(BTW, anyone can remind me of the procedure to ask for a supplementary
po/ directory to be translated?)

If some people find other menus to be too large on their desktop, just
tell me or file a bug; this procedure can be extended.

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