On Tuesday 23 October 2007, Steve Greenland wrote:
> Mere local law shouldn't make a package DFSG non-free. I'd bet there are
> many packages in Debian whose distribution or use violates local law
> somewhere in the world.

Just a tiny example: I guess, Debian still contains many packages that contain 
software that might be considered "hacker tools" in German courts and thus 
might be forbidden under German law:


[...] It becomes an offence to create, sell, distribute or even aquire so 
called Hacker Tools that are built to conduct criminal acts like aquiring 
illegal access to protected data. It is feared by many that this might keep 
administrators and security experts from doing their job – i.e. from properly 
testing applications or networks to enhance security while on the other hand 
the blackhats don't really care that their choosen tool has been made illegal 
now. [...]


Heisenberg might have been here.
  |\      _,,,---,,_       Web:   <http://www.isabel-drost.de>
  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
 |,4-  ) )-,_..;\ (  `'-'
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) (fL)  IM:  <xmpp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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