On Fri, Dec 05, 1997 at 11:23:33AM +0100, Paul Seelig wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Mitchell) writes:
> > Surely bo-unstable == hamm, so please invest your time in hamm, not
> > something that will be discarded in a few months.
> > 
> Sure, but why invest my time in hamm which will be obsoleted in half a
> year anyway?  While i like updated components i'm rather conservative
> regarding complete system upgrades. For me bo is running fine enough
> but i'd like to use a few features only present in more recent
> versions of Debian software.  What's so bad about being a bit more
> oriented towards a user's perspective?

The problem is that hamm is taking too long already. (Note that this
is my view, not an official one.) There are many, many bugs registered in
the bug system, still several packages which have not been upgraded
to libc6, and other things to do. Spending time compiling packages
for libc5 would be nice, but it does take time away from getting
the next version ready. Further, although some time has already
been spent working out policy for this, it's probably a once off
problem -- it was much simpler to run bo packages on rex, and
rex packages on buzz before that, because there wasn't a significant
underlying change like the libc6 one involved.

So, I think if somebody really wants to run some newer software
(which isn't necessarily stable in our terms), then the choices are:

1. compile it from sources -- ugly, but workable. Even to the extent
   of making your own packages, which I gather youve done.

2. upgrade to the unstable package, and in the case of hamm, install
   enough of hamm to run it. This isn't actually that much;
   new ldso, libc6, new libc5 I think, and some libraries. With such
   a system, you can run libc6 binaries but compilation is done for
   libc5, etc. I have such a system and it works fine.

(3. try to backport the package yourself.)

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5

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