Paul Seelig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Surely bo-unstable == hamm, so please invest your time in hamm, not
> > something that will be discarded in a few months.
> > 
> Sure, but why invest my time in hamm which will be obsoleted in half a
> year anyway?

Wrong. What is your basis for saying this?

> While i like updated components i'm rather conservative
> regarding complete system upgrades. For me bo is running fine enough
> but i'd like to use a few features only present in more recent
> versions of Debian software.  What's so bad about being a bit more
> oriented towards a user's perspective?

Nothing, if you want to you may recompile recent packages for your system.
> Well, i prefer to use the few months (pretty much time waiting BTW)
> until final release of hamm to upgrade the relyably stable system i'm
> working with now.  I need software i can use today and can't wait for
> tomorrow to happen.  Hey, Debian is not Microsoft!

I need software I can use today too, and hamm has that software right now.
Thanks to all the other developers for their hard work to build that


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