On Sat, Dec 06, 1997 at 04:36:40PM +0200, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:
> Most maintainers have a double boot machine (like me), or have a bo
> machine on their net, and launching recompilation of latest packages
> (after a small change in the changelog file) is a little waste of time
> (and gives more benefits).
> I remember of one developer who couldn't upgrade his only machine to
> hamm; he could only help doing non-maintainer uploads of new packages.
> Pay attention: nobody here is proposing to create a debian-1.4 libc5
> based release! That would be a waste of energies. Only new packages and
> security fixes should be libc5-recompiled, not everything.

You've won me over. I've backported a couple of my packages,
but only one (guavac) is not new for hamm, or even vaguely well known.
However I think that fixing bugs in hamm should probably take priority,
but I don't have outstanding here.

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