On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 09:05:21AM +0200, Olе Streicher wrote:
> I just discovered that debuild does not behave as I would expect from
> the maintainer's guide [1]:
> | Cleaning the source and rebuilding the package from your user account
> | is as simple as: 
> | $ debuild
> [...]
> | You can clean the source tree as simply as:
> | $ debuild clean
> This gives an error if the "dh_clean" does not work on the unpatched
> source, since "debuild" reverts all patches, but "debuild clean" does
> not apply then. I filed a bug report for this [2], including a simple
> example package, but the maintainer doesn't see a problem here.
(for the reference) ... because "debuild is just a wrapper around
dpkg-buildpackage" and the behavior "is documented in


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