On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 09:05:21AM +0200, Olе Streicher wrote:
> What is the rationale behind the automatic reversal of the applied
> patches before a cleanup?

Quoting from the bug I meant to refer you to (#649531) when closing the
debuild bug:

  On one hand, in dpkg's source format v3, the patched source is considered
  to be standard "unpacked" form.
  On the other hand, some people like to work most of the time with the
  unpatched source, as in pre-v3 days.
  "dpkg-source --after-build" distinguishes between the two cases by
  checking for the ".pc/.dpkg-source-unapply" file, which is added when
  "dpkg-source --before-build" notices that patches were not already
  applied.  You can ensure patches remain applied by applying the
  patches yourself before starting the build.

        QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push -a
        debuild; # or dpkg-buildpackage, or whatever

So, you have a method that you can work with.  My main point was that
you should be trying to drive change through dpkg, not through

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