On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 02:47:54PM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Can someone set the default to xz and recompile all of Debian or at
> least base and create a repository from that for install tests?

I tested it a bit, both with bare debootstrap into a chroot, and by
recompressing all debs on a d-i CD (netinst i386, CD1 amd64).  All went ok.

I did not test fancy options in d-i (probably pointless, either unpacking
debs works or not), nor special firmwares (what hardware requires those?  Do
they come from udebs or debs?).

And of course, this doesn't solve the issue of first stage of debootstrap on
foreign systems without xz.  Are those ever going to touch packages with
priority <important?

“This is gonna be as easy as cheating on an ethics exam!”
    -Cerise Brightmoon

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