* Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au> [2013-04-25 17:34:03 +0200]:

> On 25/04/13 13:50, Simon Chopin wrote:
> > [ description of the fedmsg project ]
> > Questions, comments?
> ZeroMQ is a very lightweight solution - it is brokerless (like
> multicast) so won't necessarily support the requirement for durable
> subscriptions (keeping messages queued up for clients that are disconnected)
> http://www.zeromq.org/topics:requirements-for-reliability
> Some things that are worth looking at:
> - do we want to use an AMQP broker? In theory, this is an open standard
> like SMTP: the clients and brokers are interchangeable

As Simon already said, the Fedora people have tested this and rejected it
because it didn't scale.

> - as an alternative, could we use something like SIP or XMPP as a
> messaging platform? Then people can receive messages in their chat
> client. In this case it doesn't appear to be the optimal solution, but
> these protocols are quite good for systems that are very widely
> distributed over public networks.
> - then again, there are plenty of examples of systems like Apache Camel
> that can take a message from a traditional broker and deliver it to just
> about anything: SIP, XMPP, email, IRC channel, syslog, Nagios + 200
> other possible destinations:
> http://camel.apache.org/components.html
> and it can use Java or XML to describe various filters and transforms

Those are interesting suggestions, I actually had a look at Camel when it was
suggested to us on another thread, but we will keep going on with fedmsg.

There are several reasons for doing so:
 - It is currently implemented in Fedora, on an infra that is different to ours
   but has similar components

 - This allows for tool interoperability between distros, and why not for
   inter-distro collaboration

 - It's python, which fits very well with most of our stack

 - Upstream has been super, super helpful so far, and I don't see this changing

I wanted Simon to start this thread to gather ideas: I know some people, mostly
in DSA, have thought about such a system for some time, so this was more of a
heads-up than wanting to reconsider the project from scratch. It landed on
-devel because, well, we couldn't find a more appropriate list :)

To get back to your remark, it would definitely be possible to build a
fedmsg-to-xmpp filtering bridge, if there is interest, but that's not really
the scope of this GSoC project.

Nicolas Dandrimont

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