Kevin Chadwick wrote:
>> I'm confused, what? How does Tor lower security and at the same time,
>> it provides privacy?
> Just like antivirus scanners bring greater exploitability especially
> if you are not vulnerable to detectable viruses then so does Tor.
What?! I don't even,..

> It adds a lot of complexity for privacy benefit. Integrity is often
> muddled into security too. As far as I am concerned they can actually
> counter each other and are seperate entities. 
No they are not. Integrity should be part of your understanding of
security. Basics of information security suggest confidentiality,
integrity and availability. [0]

> Obscuring from targetted attack is highly questionable to me when a
> secure VPN from a lightly used machine (no web browsing) can offer real
> security. You may just be giving a way in otherwise.
First I don't understand your first sentence. Second how does a VPN
provide more "security" than say Tor?

Deeply confused,

[0] -

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