
On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 04:53:18PM +0800, Boyuan Yang wrote:
> As a result, I'm writing to suggest we find an answer to such a problem soon.
> Migration to Jessie or Stretch with new FusionForge version might be 
> possible. 
> Or we should just drop outdated FusionForge and move to some modern platforms 
> like GitLab (with an alternated workflow possibly).
> There are much room for discussion but we should start evaluation without 
> delay, since migration would take much time and the time left is pretty 
> limited.

One possibility that I don't believe has yet been raised is a minimal
git hosting tool, like gitolite.  This is stable, supported software,
and there is a good Debian package in the archive.

Alitoh is 90% simple git hosting, 5% managing push access to git repos,
and 5% mailing lists.  Alioth lists could be moved to lists.d.o.  As for
access control, the current situation with -guest accounts must be
rewritten anyway, because it is tied to FusionForge.  We could extend
sso.d.o to handle registering -guest accounts, and then use some scripts
to make all sso.d.o users visible to gitolite.

Perhaps it is simply naïve to think that a piece of software as simple
as gitolite could serve our needs.  However, one of the main blockers
that keeps coming up in these threads is that many of us are very uneasy
about monolithic web services like gitlab and pagure.  I suspect that a
big part of the worry is that we'll be in a similar situation to where
we find ourselves with FusionForge, a few years down the line.  So it is
worth discussing alternatives to another monolithic web service.

(None of this helps with non-git repos on alioth, but neither do gitlab
or pagure.)

Sean Whitton

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