On 05/14/2017 11:06 PM, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> Here's a tally of live packaging repositories hosted on Alioth, based
> on Vcs fields for sources in unstable:
> $ for type in arch bzr cvs darcs git hg mtn svn; do
>>     printf '%s: ' $type
>>     grep-dctrl -FVcs-$type -sPackage 'debian.org' 
>> /var/lib/apt/lists/httpredir.debian.org_debian_dists_unstable_*_Sources \
>>     | wc -l
>> done \
>> | sort -k2 -nr
> git: 18907
> svn: 2377
> bzr: 71
> hg: 27
> darcs: 22
> arch: 7
> cvs: 2
> mtn: 0
> It looks like git hosting would cover ~90% and git+svn would cover
>> 99%.
Or convert svn ones to git and simplify things?

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