On 4/13/19 10:20 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> TL;DR: see https://trends.debian.net and
> https://trends.debian.net/#smells
> Hi,
> Following this blog post[1] I did some work on setting up a proper
> framework to graph historical trends about Debian packaging practices.
> The result is now available at [2], and I'm confident that I will be
> able to update this on a regular basis (every few months).
> Additionally (and much more controversially I guess :-) ) I also added
> an analysis of "package smells"[3], such as "not using dh", "not using a
> recent debhelper compat level", "not using a 3.0 source format", etc. I
> understand that in some cases there might be good reasons to keep those
> "smells", but I find it valuable to have them presented in a more
> actionable way to fix the cases that should be fixed. So there's a list
> of smells, sorted by maintainer/uploader [4].
> Given that Debian is currently frozen to prepare the buster release,
> this is a bad time to start fixing those smells, but I will send a
> reminder to debian-devel@ once buster is released. (It's interesting to
> see how the number of smells plateaued during previous freezes).
> - Lucas
> [1] https://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/blog/?p=945
> [2] https://trends.debian.net/
> [3] https://trends.debian.net/#smells
> [4] https://trends.debian.net/smells-dd-list.txt

I'm not sure if I should say thanks, or just hide myself behind the
wall, considering how much work there would be to fix all of these
packages that I need to fix... :/


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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