On 2019/04/16 21:51, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> I'm not sure if I should say thanks, or just hide myself behind the
> wall, considering how much work there would be to fix all of these
> packages that I need to fix... :/

Heh, that's exactly why these graphs are so great! Rome wasn't built in
a day either so I don't think anyone should feel stressed about it, and
I think when your packages are team maintained it's a good idea to post
to the team list and ask for some help on those fixes.

(I'm speaking in the general and not just to you, and I think you're
saying that slightly tongue-in-cheek too :) )


  ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Jonathan Carter (highvoltage) <jcc>
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