gregor herrmann dixit:

>Lately we as a project, guided by the DPL, have been in
>recommendation mode anyway: "Use dh(1) unless you have a reason not
>to", "Use git(1) and salsa unless …".
>I think "Write d/copyright in Copyright-Format 1.0 unless you have a
>specific reason not to do this for a specific package" would be a
>good continuation of this streak.

I find them worded too strongly personally, but given almost all
of my paackages are leaf and not team-maintained, I doubt I’d be
too pressured towards it, and with that understanding could live
with it. (In particular, Salsa is something I’m very uncomforta‐
ble with, considering it’s a non-free service not even using the
packaged form, which itself is not suitable for stable, too…)

More on-topic:

>- Personally I find d/copyright files in CF 1.0 much more readable
>  than free-form prose where I have to find the relevant information
>  somewhere instead of having it stand out. Maybe that makes me a

I guess it depends, a well-written hand-written file may surprise
you with regards to legibility, but too-quickly-cobbled-together,
perhaps even unmaintained, ones… yes, I’ve seen those, too.

I believe no one can invent an algorithm. One just happens to hit upon it
when God enlightens him. Or only God invents algorithms, we merely copy them.
If you don't believe in God, just consider God as Nature if you won't deny
existence.              -- Coywolf Qi Hunt

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