On Tue, 12 Nov 2019 15:08:56 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

> On Sat 09 Nov 2019 at 03:07PM +01, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > Lately we as a project, guided by the DPL, have been in
> > recommendation mode anyway: "Use dh(1) unless you have a reason not
> > to", "Use git(1) and salsa unless …".
> > I think "Write d/copyright in Copyright-Format 1.0 unless you have a
> > specific reason not to do this for a specific package" would be a
> > good continuation of this streak.
> I too find this a bit strong -- given what I've said about about
> optimising for writing these files, I don't think we should be expecting
> people to come up with a package-specific reason if they find themselves
> wanting to use the old format.

Fair enough (and I'm not wed to the throw-away wording in any way.)
> I'd like to suggest this recommendation could be of the same strength as
> the "use salsa" recommendation, i.e., weaker than the dh recommendation,
> and directed at people with no reasons to prefer either who are
> wondering which to use.
I was not aware of a difference in strength between the two
recommendation [0] but yes, the "people with no reason to prefer
either" was the direction I was heading at.


[0] I'm probably not in the target group as I'm doing it anyway

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