Hello Paul,

thanks for the timely reply.

On 8/18/21 4:33 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:39 AM admin4 wrote:
>> today was the day trying out the new Debian 11 with LTS (LTS is a reason for 
>> users consider switching to Ubuntu, so good choice there)
> Debian 11/bullseye is not in LTS mode yet. Debian 10/buster will be in
> LTS mode in a year's time when regular security support for it ends.

thanks for the info, alright, sounds good, Debian 10 runs just fine
right now :)

> Debian 11/bullseye will be in LTS mode one year after the release of
> Debian 12/bookworm in approximately two year's time.
>> 2) the problems:
>> E1: (error1) problem: Debian 11 won't install
> Please ask for help debugging this on Debian support channels and once
> you know what the problem is, then file an installation report.
> https://www.debian.org/support
> https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch05s04#submit-bug
>> S1: (suggestion1) there needs to be an easy way to report errors
> The Debian bug reporting tool is called reportbug, please file issues
> using it. If you don't know which package is at fault, you can ask on
> our support channels to find out.
is this tool available during setup? with no network connection?
> https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting
> https://www.debian.org/support
>> Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?

in theory yes... in reality try this:

wget https://thesquareplanet.com/feed.xml

cat feed.xml |nano # wohooo it works

*Too many errors from stdin**

*Buffer written to nano.save*

*# argh, only works for small files!?*

can not handle large files?

> Sounds like a question for the support channel, but I assume it is
> because nano is available, which is a user-friendly alternative to vi,
> and can also replace less.

"Note that your installation report will be published in the Debian Bug
Tracking System (BTS) and forwarded to a public mailing list."

"Make sure that you *use an e-mail address that you do not mind being
made public*"


here we go admin4 into the spam database... for trying to report a
problem and improve a GNU Linux distribution.

will try that


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