Am Fri, Feb 04, 2022 at 09:39:09AM -0800 schrieb Russ Allbery:
> Various people have different reactions to and opinions about the
> necessity of this review, which I understand and which is great for
> broadening the discussion.  But I feel like we're starting to lose track
> of my original point,

Apropos loosing track. ;-)

> namely that I don't see why we are prioritizing this
> particular category of bugs over every other type of bug in Debian.  The
> justification has always been dire consequences if we don't stamp out all
> of these bugs, but to be honest I think this is wildly unlikely.

I fully subscribe to this.

I'd also like to thank Scott for
  a) His speedy processing of onetbb (which was the package triggering
     this thread.
  b) Taking part in the discussion (as so far only member of the ftpteam

I think the point of Scott in this discussion is clear.  However, to my
understanding it is in contrast to the posting I originally pointed
to[1].  I would like to hear some official statement for the specific
case of packages that are in new.

Specific remark to onetbb:  I'd fully agree with Scott that this might
be a good example to stress his point since the package was obviously
not OK and was in serious need of some extra work.  But in the same way
it serves to support Russ' point as well:  While d/copyright was not OK
it was probably not OK only according to our strict standards (which I
subscribe as well) and nothing someone would Debian sue about.  The
delay in the new queue delayed the Python 3.10 migration and kept
several other friction points.  So how do we want to weight "just another
RC bug that should be fixed" against the delay of development in other

I'd be supper happy if this discussion would lead to some statement
in some document we could use as reference which would probably avoid
further discussion of this kind.  I'd even volunteer to draft such
a document ... if I would only know what should be written.

Kind regards




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