* Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> [2022-02-04 11:48]:
No, that's fine, that's not a strawman argument.  That is, in fact, my
argument: I think it should be okay to put crap packages in the unstable
archive and fix them later, and I would rather put more effort into the
"noticing" part than in the pre-review part.


Now, all of that being said, I also want to say that I'm sketching out one
end of the argument because I think that end has been underrepresented.  I
don't think this is an all-or-nothing binary choice.  We could, for
example, focus our review on only packages that are viewed as riskier
(only packages with maintainer scripts or that start daemons, for
instance, or stop doing NEW review for packages uploaded under the
auspices of well-established Debian teams, or stop doing NEW review for
shared libraries whose source packages are already in Debian), all of
which would be improvements from my perspective.
In my opinion, this is a very important train of thought, because
not all crap is created equal. While some things can be fixed easily
with a new upload, others have permanent repercussions, for example:

- It is impossible to undo an epoch bump, or more
  generally, revert to an earlier version number.
- The package namespace can be polluted, or existing names can be
  hijacked, potentially rendering names unusuable
  for future uploads (particularly if the hijacking version number is
  sufficiently large and/or epoch'd).

I'm not implying any ill-will, merely observing that people make
mistakes, and some mistakes are more costly to rectify than others.

The FTP team review should focus on these types of mistakes, and not
only with new packages: any "suspicious" upload should be rerouted
to a POLICY queue for additional verification.  There is some prior
art with the auto-REJECT on Lintian errors, which could be
extended to a three-way decision (ACCEPT, POLICY REVIEW, REJECT).

For instance, we could flag epoch bumps or major version numbers
which skip ahead significantly (think 020220101 instead of
0.20220101). We can certainly continue to flag new binaries and
potential copyright violations (e.g., packages with incompatible
licenses or files with "(?i)(?:do|must) not distribute" in their
headers), or anything else we consider important. The automated
checks need not be perfect as long as we avoid false negatives on
the critical issues. And I imagine it will also speed up the review
considerably if the FTP team already knows what problems (not) to
look for.


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