
On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 03:12:21PM +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> The project name talks about gpg keys, but those are really OpenPGP
> keys (or even better, certificates). I've asked upstream to rename the
> project to avoid this common confusion. So you might want to wait until
> that's settled to avoid multiple trips over NEW.
>   <https://github.com/xsuchy/distribution-gpg-keys/issues/76>
Thank you very much! I liked this issue on github and waiting for
upstream reply.
> (If this project is also intended to only cover RPM-based distributions,
> as Adam brought up, you might want to further ask them to make that clear
> from the project name, say rpm-distribution-openpgp-keys or similar. But
> in any case regardless of the intended target use, it still seems like a
> very generic name which can be easily confused for a package that would
> be needed for Debian, or derivatives.)
Mainly for mock we just need keys for rpm-based
distributions/repositories. On the other way we have
extrepo-offline-data package where are repository keys for 3rd party debian 
repositories. Also maybe it's better to have extern PGP keys on one place.
What do you think about it?

Best Regards,
Juri Grabowski

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