On July 2, 2024 12:26:49 AM UTC, Soren Stoutner <so...@debian.org> wrote:
>On Monday, July 1, 2024 5:19:37 PM MST Alec Leamas wrote:
>> For Debian users we backport opencpn which works well. However, the
>> Ubuntu backport process is, well, interesting (been there, done that).
>> The PPA represents a much better way to publish backports to current
>> Ubuntu branches. But for this to work we need to reset the versioning so
>> it works together with the official stream from Debian.
>> Anyway, seems we have a emerging conclusion that an epoch is a correct
>> solution here.
>That adds some needed clarification.  I agree that in that circumstance, 
>an epoch is the best way forward.  It allows you to maintain the current 
>upstream program version number, while unifying the Debian, Ubuntu, and PPA 
>version numbers in such a way that packages from those repositories can be 
>used interchangeably.
I would suggest that you work with upstream on how they will version things in 
the future, so you aren't bumping the epoch every year.

Scott K

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