[crossposted to debian-alpha]

On Tue 28 Apr 1998, Guy Maor wrote:

[I had to read the original message via the archive, as the mailhost
here was screwed up yet again and discarded all messages arriving this
weekend :-( ]

About Alpha:

    There's been a lot of porting going on for Alpha, however, I can't
really say that the number of packages that need to be ported to Alpha
has been decreasing since the freeze; every time 20 packages are
uploaded for Alpha, there are 22 new packages for i386 :-(

    That aside, I'm pretty happy with the way my Alpha works with hamm;
I'd be satisfied if I was a Joe User trying out debian on my Alpha for
the first time. The only part that still needs to be worked on is the
boot disks situation; the boot disks themselves need work and the
accompanying docs are also pretty useless, to put it bluntly (sorry to
those who have been working on them, but unfortunately it's true; I
myself am also to blame, I could have written up some docs myself in the
    So, I'm still undecided as to whether 2.0 should go out for Alpha.
Anyone else have opinions?

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software, Enschede, the Netherlands
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