Paul Slootman wrote:

>     There's been a lot of porting going on for Alpha, however, I can't
> really say that the number of packages that need to be ported to Alpha
> has been decreasing since the freeze; every time 20 packages are
> uploaded for Alpha, there are 22 new packages for i386 :-(

I agree with this and it's been very frustrating to try to get things
ported over (fyi, for the x86 folks).  Also, often, new upstream sources
have been breaking some compilations that would have ordinarily been
clean (thus requiring more hand-patching and therefore, more time).  I
had hoped the freeze would've slowed down the upload of packages to
master, but it seems to have increased it, unfortunately.

>     That aside, I'm pretty happy with the way my Alpha works with hamm;
> I'd be satisfied if I was a Joe User trying out debian on my Alpha for
> the first time. The only part that still needs to be worked on is the
> boot disks situation; the boot disks themselves need work and the
> accompanying docs are also pretty useless, to put it bluntly (sorry to
> those who have been working on them, but unfortunately it's true; I
> myself am also to blame, I could have written up some docs myself in the
> meantime).

The docs are definitely lacking.  I am also partially to blame for this,
but RL has gotten in the way again. As far as the boot disks go, I don't
even know who's working on them anymore.  Until we can resolve that
issue at least, I would agree that the Alpha may not be

>     So, I'm still undecided as to whether 2.0 should go out for Alpha.
> Anyone else have opinions?

I am getting another Alpha at the end of the week (this will be my third
now), so I should be able to at least get a clean install on a system
and see what problems come about so I can start fixing them.  Because of
personal problems, however, I'm not sure how long all of that is going
to take :-(  Luckily, Michael Dorman has been uploading packages like
crazy, so that's a HUGE help, but the standard and required packages are
starting to slip by the wayside (dpkg notably).  IMO, I think if we can
at least get some boot disks together, all of the required packages up
to date and functional, and compile current versions of all packages
with security fixes, then we should have a release-quality base system
for the Alpha.  If we can do that by the release date, then yes, I think
the Alpha port can be included in the Hamm release.  If not, though, I
would recommend against it for obvious reasons....


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