>>"Ossama" == Ossama Othman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ossama> I was referring to the fact that many of the developers
 Ossama> strongly felt that I should agree with the DFSG, i.e. not
 Ossama> have my own opinion of it.

        I was under the imprtession that that was a requirement of the
 new maintainer process? The DFSG is critical to the core of debian,
 it is what makes Debian what it is. And even though diversity of
 opinion is indeed laudable, there has to be a basis for understanding
 and cooperation, without which an effort like Debian would
 crumble. If we all can't even agree about something as critical as
 the social contract and the DFSG, then indeed we have a problem.

 I cannot believe that God plays dice with the cosmos. Albert
 Einstein, on the randomness of quantum mechanics
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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