>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ossama Othman) wrote:
 >> Those with opinions that differ from the mainstream should not be
 >> branded "heretics" or encouraged to leave.

        Why not? 

        When views of people differ in detail ,there is basis for a
 dialogue. When even the fundamentals are contested, there is no
 common ground to build anything out of. (An extreme example is the
 white supremascist who went around trashing martin luther king, jr,
 in an alabama group this last weekend -- his views on racsm are so
 far from mine that there is no point even trying to interact with

        Admttedly, the situation we have here is not anywhere near as
 extreme as all that, but in pinciple I see nothing inherently wrong
 about the project insisting that there be some basis or commonality
 of philosophy in the candidates that are approved for inclusion in
 the group of developers, if only to prevent anarchy as the project is
 torn apart by wildly differing factions.

        The DFSG defines what Deban stands for. Asking developers to
 agree with it is not uncalled for.

 "No job too big; no fee too big!" Dr. Peter Venkman, "Ghost-busters"
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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