On Sat, May 22, 1999 at 05:34:58PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> > ae barely even WORKS!  It's crap in "vi mode", it's crap in every other
> > mode, it's just crap!  =>  I'd have to say that _PICO_ is a more
> > functional editor than ae, at least it works.
> Isn't PICO non-free? (similar to pine). Slap me if I am wrong here.

Yes, but it is the standard newbie editor.

> > Maybe joe or something?
> joe is discontinued upstream IIRC, and doesn't work quite right on the Hurd.
> Obviously, it's termcap/ncurses interface is slightly broken. I have not
> investigated it further yet, because ae, vi and emacs work :)

I think a growing segment of people agree that ee should replace ae for
the base disks.  I'm guessing slcurses would be used for that, and I
think there is some slight bit of porting involved for that.  I'd be
interested to know how much there is if anything, I'd be interested in
building mp3blaster and joe against slang.  curses sometimes has annoying

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Debian GNU/Linux developer
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client-side OS so beautiful, so graceful, and so elegant that a million
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years and a thousand crates of Jolt cola.
        -- LAN Times

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