Craig Sanders wrote:
> being restricted to a primitive editor after you have become
> proficient with vi is akin to re-learning how to talk after having a
>'ve lost some really fundamental ability which you take
> for granted.

This sounds like a great arguement to use any editor other than vi for
anything.  In order to protect new users from the evils of vi, lets 
replace vi with a script that echos:
"The use of vi can cause learning disabilties, as though you had a stroke"

If you can't figure out how to use ae (in a not vi emulation mode), are
you sure you want to install Linux on your own?  As far as a recovery disk
goes, you are much better off with a real recovery disk.  The boot disk
is severely crippled when compared to other recovery disks that are
readily available.

Mark Blunier

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