On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 02:40:12AM +0200, Josip Rodin wrote:

> Well, what can the bootdisk makers say about that, but - who cares?!
> I use joe all the time, but I do not complain that the boot disk
> doesn't contain it, and that I am "restricted to a primitive editor"
> and I have to "think about each individual keystroke" etc etc...

you are making the mistake of assuming that the boot disk is solely for
installation of new debian systems.

it's not.

it's called the "rescue" disk for a reason.

you are also making the mistake of assuming that joe is in any way a
standard tool. it is not. the only two text editors which can lay claim
to being a standard part of any unix are ed and vi.  

> You have to have a broader view (is that the expression?) in this
> case, since it is not only yours boot disk, but everyone elses.

i think it is you who needs the broader view. the world is not composed
entirely of newbies seeking escape from dos/windows. in fact, it's fair
to say that complete newbies aren't our target market, we make a high
quality distribution perfectly suited to experienced unix users. even
so, we support them by including a simple editor (ae) on the rescue
disk...why should we do less for our target market?

debian has been criticised in the past for failing to include vi on the
rescue floppy. we copped a lot of flack for not having one as it is a
tool which any experienced unix user can reasonably expect to find on a
rescue floppy.....which is why we ended up with ae's vi emulation. it
may not be real vi, but it's infinitely better than nothing.

> If you want all of the stuff you commonly use on the boot disk, modify
> it yourself. Simple :)

i don't want all the stuff i commonly use. i just want the bare minimum,
and that includes a decent editor.


craig sanders

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