At Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:24:27 +0200 (MET DST),
Vincent Danjean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Previously Raul Miller wrote:
> > > Would it be possible, for this case, for the package to conflict
> > > with the specific versions which are known to cause problems?
> > 
> > Unless I'm very mistaken, yes.
> > 
> > Wichert.
> I've a similar problem. I use Debian-ja and I've the folowing things :
> Package: 2utf
> Recommends: man-db (>= 2.3.10-37)
> Package: man-db
> Status: deinstall ok config-files
> Version: 2.3.10-69i
> Replaces: man
> Provides: man
> Conflicts: man
> Package: man-db-ja
> Status: install ok installed
> Version: 2.3.10-69f.jp0.1
> Replaces: man
> Provides: man
> Conflicts: man
> As 2utf only recommends I can force dselect to accept this selection. 
> Should I fill a bug report against 2utf ? I'm not sure because man-db-ja
> is not (yet) in Debian (it is in Debian-ja).

I think no.  This problem will be solved.
We are now trying to merge man-db-ja features to man-db cooperated with
Fabrizio Polacco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, so man-db-ja will not be removed soon. 

You can get new man-db at
 deb ./

If you are interested in, please check it and report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fumitoshi UKAI

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