
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vincent Danjean) writes:

> I've a similar problem. I use Debian-ja and I've the folowing things :
> Package: 2utf
> Recommends: man-db (>= 2.3.10-37)
> Package: man-db
> Status: deinstall ok config-files
> Version: 2.3.10-69i
> Replaces: man
> Provides: man
> Conflicts: man
> Package: man-db-ja
> Status: install ok installed
> Version: 2.3.10-69f.jp0.1
> Replaces: man
> Provides: man
> Conflicts: man
> As 2utf only recommends I can force dselect to accept this selection. 
> Should I fill a bug report against 2utf ? I'm not sure because man-db-ja
> is not (yet) in Debian (it is in Debian-ja).

You don't need to file a bug report against anyone. Now Fabrizio Polacco,
the maintainer of man-db, plans to enhance his package to support manpages
written in Japanese. Since he already posted about his modification on
debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, and we tested it and followd some requests for it,
I hope we will not need man-db-ja soon. I have tested his patch with my 
on my slink system as well as on potato, by locally building patched package.

The problem related to version-depends, is one of main reasons that we need
"JP Merge Operation", since separate packaging would not solve this easily.

You can find some more samples in JP Packages.

We hope that the coming potato has many enhanced support for our language
by helping and efforts from many official maintainers in Debian. Thanks to you.

 (my current targets are man-db, gs, and sgml-tools. but maybe I should 
  contribute to the work for boot-floppies after)


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