Hello Joey,

With reference to your "Crazy Idea":

I am not a developer, but I do have good experience obtaining funding for
things like this.

I will give it some thought and let you know the ideas I come up with for

In the meanwhile; If you are prepared to accept funding from such a
source, there is always NATO. They fund many such things if they are
giving good participation to what NATO calls "Sensitive Areas".

Such areas include Portugal, Greece, Turkey, etc. Do you have any
developers in these countries? A full list of such countries can be
obtained from the NATO web site (forgotten the address).

Another source of funding for conferences is UNESCO.

Also some countries such as France often have government bodies which will
fund conferences in their country on subjects of interest to that
department. Which makes me think of France Telecom using Debian........!

Be in touch soon.

Helen McCall

Tel: 01752 342675
Fax: 08700 525850


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