Hello Craig,

I would guess that you are one of Aaron Sloman's students from the
University of Birmingham in the UK. Am I right?

My comment about NATO having improved was in respect of their
previous treatment of countries like Portugal, Greece and Turkey as
"sensitive areas".

My reservations about looking for funds from NATO were that many people
might not like to associate Debian in any way with a largely military
organisation. However NATO is actually a treaty organisation with a lot of
none military activities. Promoting peace and stability is supposed to be
one of their main activities - which they do by promoting peaceful
projects between many different countries.

As to the horrific circumstances in the Balkan states, I do not believe
that any sensible person would take sides. The activities on all sides
were appalling. They were all entirely due to hot-headed politicians on
all sides spouting hatred in the same way you have done in your e-mail to

If more people cooled their heads and stopped listening to crazy 
politicians, we could have world peace.

If Debian can turn some of NATOs funds to good purpose - promoting a vast
international project of cooperation - then this would be a great victory
for Peace.

Best wishes,

Helen McCall

Tel: 01752 342675
Fax: 08700 525850


On 25 Sep 1999, Craig Brozefsky wrote:

> Date: 25 Sep 1999 12:31:52 -0700
> From: Craig Brozefsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Helen McCall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, debian-devel@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: Funding for a Crazy Idea
> Helen McCall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have just been looking at the NATO web site, and they appear to have
> > changed for the better in recent years. Now they make no reference to
> > sensitive areas. Their science and technology programmes are now more
> > generally aimed at promoting world peace!
> Uhm, they did just bomb Yugoslavia into the stone age, and basically
> force an occupation of Kosovo, failed to disarm the KLA, and are now
> just handing over the horrible mess THEY made in the region to the
> U.N. right as winter sets in.  To top it all off the continental
> European partners are none to pleased with the U.S. and it's lapdog
> the U.K. and many see NATO as a brain-dead buearocracy just about to go
> into death throes as the alliance falls apart.
> The idea that NATO is all about "world peace" is ludicrous.  You'd
> have to be willingly blind to nearly everything they have ever done in
> order to actually believe that bit of propoganda.  Are you so out of
> it that you believe a website more than history?  I hope that Debian
> does not resort to begging bald-faced lying war powers for cash.
> -- 
> Craig Brozefsky                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Free Scheme/Lisp Software     http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
> "riot shields. voodoo economics. its just business. cattle 
>  prods and the IMF." - Radiohead, OK Computer, Electioneering

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