I will close my comments on this thread by saying that Debian's
acceptance of funds from NATO would prolly result in severe upheaval.
Not JUST because of NATO's history of atrocities, but because its a
non-inclusive political organizations which seeks to advance its
member states thru a collusion of military power.  An investigation
into the requirements for membership make this rather obvious.

With regards to raising funds for this event, perhaps an international
sponsorship pool would be suitable?  Defray the costs to as many users
and supports as possible.  I understand the advantages of a single
large meeting, but perhaps also attempting to facilitate the
organization and execution of smaller, perhaps more frequent meetings
with easier logistics would also be helpful.

> As to the horrific circumstances in the Balkan states, I do not believe
> that any sensible person would take sides. The activities on all sides
> were appalling. 

Yes, but that does not mean we should not act responsbily and attempt
to figure out what happened.  We should not assume a position of
aghast horror and shock lapsing into passivity at the atrocities that
our governments perpetrated in our name.  Claiming that all sides are
equally responsibly does not serve the truth, but only calms our own
guilty conscious.  When bombs are dropped, it's prolly a good thing to
try and figure out why, and "it's everyone's fault" is not really an
answer we should accept.  Ask the Roma.

Sensible persons do indeed investigate these atrocities and attempt to
unravel that which our governments may attempt to portray as
undecipherable ethnic conflicts in hopes of covering up their own
roles in their escalation.  I urge you and others to investigate the
history of the area, in particular the role of NATO and western
nations in the breakup of Yugoslavia, the rise to power of Milosevic,
and the escalation of the conflict at Rambuillet into a military
operation against civilians.  Also, those paying attention to the
situation now, after CNN and MSNBC coverage has dropped it, may find
the events very telling, like reading bones.

> If Debian can turn some of NATOs funds to good purpose - promoting a vast
> international project of cooperation - then this would be a great victory
> for Peace.

Do you think they would give us much more than what it costs them to
buy a few thousand rounds of depleted uranium ammo?  I think we can be
fairly sure that any funds set aside for "peace promotion" are already
accounted for and our reception of funds will make no real difference
to the budget for their arsenal.  One should not forget what a serial
killer has done because he helps you carry in the groceries.  I've
already received another email suggestion that our use of funds form
NATO would be a diversion of funds from their war chest.  That's just
a lame rationalization that is willingly naive about the budgeting
practices of such large organizations.  Accepting such funds would
only legitamize NATO's lip-service to "peace" and to alienate many
Debian Developers and users.

For the record, I am not a student of Aaron Sloman, but have helped
him a bit with the Free Poplog release, contributed a few fixes, and
talk with him via email on occasion.  I never went to college and work
professionally as a software developer, mostly with Free Software.
Did you do google search or something to get that impression, or are
my poitics that close to his?

Craig Brozefsky                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Scheme/Lisp Software     http://www.red-bean.com/~craig
"riot shields. voodoo economics. its just business. cattle 
 prods and the IMF." - Radiohead, OK Computer, Electioneering

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