On Sun, Mar 12, 2000 at 04:30:21PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >>"Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Jason> On 11 Mar 2000, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>  >> I've been running 2.3 kernels for a while now, and so have
>  >> several people. Though it may not work as a default ekrnel,
>  Jason> But can we integrate the necessary new changes to properly
>  Jason> support 2.4?  devfsd, the new firewall code, new PCMCIA, etc?
>         Probably not. But That's why no one is talking about making
>  2.4 the default kernel. We package it up, we put i warnings, and we
>  let it out for those of us who can really use it. 

What's the point in providing a briefly tested package of 2.4.0 when,
by the time potato is out and burnt onto CDs, 2.4.x (where x > 0) will
be available and people can compile their own kernel?

The only reason for putting a 2.4.x kernel into potato is if you can
easily put the infrastructure needed for 2.4.x into the Debian system.
Supplying a pre-compiled kernel alone is pointless.
Alisdair McDiarmid                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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