On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 08:17 +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 8:01 AM Mathias Gibbens <gib...@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2024-07-25 at 04:44 +0000, Mathias Gibbens wrote:
> > >   I will begin with uploading golang-google-genproto and golang-
> > > google-grpc to unstable shortly.
> > 
> >   (Trimming out likely uninterested parties)
> > 
> >   I have merged the debian/experimental branch into debian/sid for each
> > package and pushed the results up to salsa. I'd appreciate an ACK from
> > someone else that I haven't made any obviously terrible mistakes, then
> > we can upload to unstable and get this transition started.
> > 
> Both branches look good to me, please proceed!
> Thanks so much for getting this started, this is going to be exciting.

  Those two packages were just uploaded to unstable. :)

  I won't keep spamming the mailing list with updates, unless needed
for some reason. Interested parties can follow progress on the
etherpad: https://pad.dc24.debconf.org/p/go-team-sprint.


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