On Thu, 18 May 2000, Chris Wagner wrote:

> At 09:59 AM 5/19/00 +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> >i don't know what your laws are like in russia, but here in australia
> >you can get hit with a discrimination lawsuit(*) if you don't support
> Yeah, I've heard some scary things out of Australia lately.  It's like
> they're moving toward socialism/communism and away from true democracy.
  Not to socialism/communism anyway. The move that happens could be
considered a move to totalitarism, but it isn't IMO (just the government 
regains the control it should have). Anyway, we will see results.

> It's good to support the disabled, but it can get ludicrous real fast.

 As for disabled (blind people at the first place) - I doubt that more than
3000 of them are using computer just because they don't have money
to buy it (population of Russia is 150M). So obviously the lawsuit probably
doesn't exist.


 Best regards,

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