On Tue, 23 May 2000, Sergey A. Ribalchenko wrote:

> On Mon, 22 May 2000, Chris Wagner wrote:
> > >to yanks, socialism is an evil, dirty word - roughly equivalent
> > >to satanism. but we understand why you're like that...you've been
> > >brainwashed with anti-socialist bullshit since you were small children.
> > 
> > Hahah, Satanism, that was a good one. :)  But I still prefer individualism
>                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^
> > to socialism.
> m.b. you missed, did you mean onanism?
> Best wishes,
>         Sergey.

Naah, lets have technocraty, with all us Unix people in the leading role,
and all M$ people as our servants.. :)

(just couldnt resist)

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