On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 08:55:56PM -0400, Chris Wagner wrote:
> At 09:59 AM 5/19/00 +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> >i don't know what your laws are like in russia, but here in australia
> >you can get hit with a discrimination lawsuit(*) if you don't support
> Yeah, I've heard some scary things out of Australia lately.  It's like
> they're moving toward socialism/communism and away from true democracy.

look, americans should learn to just shut up about subjects of which
they are completely ignorant - and socialism, along with geography and
history and many other topics, is one of those subjects.

to yanks, socialism is an evil, dirty word - roughly equivalent
to satanism. but we understand why you're like that...you've been
brainwashed with anti-socialist bullshit since you were small children.

the rest of the world knows it isn't anywhere near so bad. the rest of
the world knows that democracy and socialism are not opposites, they are
orthogonal - you can have a socialist democracy (like those in northern
europe) just as you can have a totalitarian police state which pretends
to be a democracy (like the USA). or you can have somewhere in between
like Australia which is, alas, shifting further to the right all the

if i have to read one more american crapping on about the evils of
socialism i'm going to fucking scream. i'm really sick and tired of
you loony libertarian(*) fascists crapping on about shit you don't

while america pretends otherwise, the rest of the world knows that
freedom is a lot more than just the freedom to choose between working
for minimum wage and starving.

(*) only in america would a word like "liberty" be so distorted.

before you bother replying, go do some research on the subject matter.
i'll just ignore anything which reeks of typical american ignorance.


craig sanders

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