I'm going to be setting up a web server this Friday, and I'm trying to 
work out how to partition the disk.  The plan is to use apache 
mod_v_host to serve up to 50 domains and will also be an email 
server.  PHP + MySQL also.  It's expected that most of the domains 
will be small fry, probably most of the usage (disk + bandwidth) will 
be the email.

First, the box is a 60G 10,000 RPM disk PIII 750MHz, 512MB RAM.  Does 
this sound reasonable?

I have a couple things I need to decide: (1) what partitions to define 
and (2) what sizes to make them.  

For example, one document I read suggested creating a seperate 
partition for /var/spool/mail and /var/lib.  I'm a bit nervous that 
if I guess wrong then I'll be screwed when the partition fills up.  
I'm not going to mess around with LVM.

So, what's a good rule of thumb for how much space to save for emails, 
for, say, 50 domains, each with say five addresses?  Ball park, say 
+/- 1G.

Is it better to break up /var into different partitions or leave it 
all as one?

Thanks for any pointers!


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