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I disagree.
If no user can fill up the disk, logs can. At least I'd put /var/log in a 
different partition, but anyway I'd partition the disk just in case quota 
systems fail. I think it's not a good idea to trust on ftp and mail servers 
to manage quota (some bug or some human misconfiguration can turn it down). 
I'd trust on kernel quota... but it does not give me the same security as 
partitioning does.

If for some strange reason a program begins writing to disk, or if some user 
find the way to turn down his quota, or if I forget to put quota on a user, 
or if a 50GB file magically appears on the disk (I remember one day I did a 
'grep -r string * > file' and left it working, and the file grew to 15GB 
untill I stopped it)... if some of this uncertain things happens, I can be 
sure that not all the partitions will be affected (at least the backup 
partition would be safe :) )

Just my two cents...

El Jueves, 3 de Abril de 2003 05:58, junkyjunk.com escribiķ:
> 50 domains on a 60gig disk should be NO problem. There should not even
> be a need to partition the disk, except for / and swap. Why are you
> trying to use partitions?
> 50 domains with web and mail should run you probably around 500 megs on
> a busy mail day. You are wasting your time worrying about partitions. If
> you use proftpd and qmail, each of those programs support their own
> quota systems, and manipulating that should be enough to keep a single
> person from using up all of your space.
> Partitioning is useful if you plan on giving out lots of shell accounts
> or if you have other special purposes. For many servers, partitioning
> just creates unnecessary clutter and confusion. If you have a single
> disk, you really gain nothing by partitioning the drive (as long as your
> drive is fully supported by your bios. ie. no big drive with an old
> computer).
> -Jason
> Mark Bucciarelli wrote:
> >I'm going to be setting up a web server this Friday, and I'm trying to
> >work out how to partition the disk.  The plan is to use apache
> >mod_v_host to serve up to 50 domains and will also be an email
> >server.  PHP + MySQL also.  It's expected that most of the domains
> >will be small fry, probably most of the usage (disk + bandwidth) will
> >be the email.
> >
> >First, the box is a 60G 10,000 RPM disk PIII 750MHz, 512MB RAM.  Does
> >this sound reasonable?
> >
> >I have a couple things I need to decide: (1) what partitions to define
> >and (2) what sizes to make them.
> >
> >For example, one document I read suggested creating a seperate
> >partition for /var/spool/mail and /var/lib.  I'm a bit nervous that
> >if I guess wrong then I'll be screwed when the partition fills up.
> >I'm not going to mess around with LVM.
> >
> >So, what's a good rule of thumb for how much space to save for emails,
> >for, say, 50 domains, each with say five addresses?  Ball park, say
> >+/- 1G.
> >
> >Is it better to break up /var into different partitions or leave it
> >all as one?
> >
> >Thanks for any pointers!
> >
> >Mark
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