Hello Mark, 

Am 02:20 2003-04-03 -0500 hat Mark Bucciarelli geschrieben:
>On Wednesday 02 April 2003 10:58 pm, junkyjunk.com wrote:
>> 50 domains with web and mail should run you probably around 500
>> megs on a busy mail day. 
>hmmm, from the two responses i got, sounds like we could run many more 
>sites on this box.  100?  200?  if disk space and bandwidth is no 
>problem, is file handles the next constraint we would hit?

In Strasbourg I have installed around 380 Domains with 
around 2800virtual Hosts on a Athlon Xp 1600+ with 
512 MByte and an IBM 60 GBytes. 

I have only following Partitions:

hda1    /               200 MB
hda2    swap            200 MB
hda3    /tmp            500 MB
hda5    /usr            400 MB
hda6    /var/log        700 MB      <-- DO THIS !!! Because you can 
                                        run in trouble and LOGS can 
                                        crash the system or make it 
hda7    /data           rest

It works like the hell and I can give each directory 
/data/domainX.tld a full quota...

Using quota, apache, php4, exim 4.10, qpopper,...

The Server is connected to an 34 MBit backbone and 
handle around 4,3 GByte traffic per day. 

Maybe the 34 is a little bit overkill, but cheeper as 
5 x 2 Mbit. 

And I have noted, that sometimes there are some hours 
NO TRAFFIC and another time 14-25 MBit/second

I hope this Helps


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