On Mon, 22 Jul 2024 17:49:13 +0300 jim_p <pitsior...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Sunday report... on Monday afternoon because I forgot about it. Like with the
> previous change, adding "After=remote-fs.target" did not change much. It still
> fails like half the times, like it does with the other parameter or with
> neither of the two.

Then I really cannot understand what's going on in your system... I am
sorry...   :-(

Is there anyone else who has tested the three files I sent?
Does anyone else have issues with them?

I reiterate the request to people from the Debian Kernel Team: could
someone please step in, test the three files, and share his/her insight
about why they seem to work for me, but not for jim_p?

P.S.: Please Cc me, in case you want me to see the replies earlier;
I am not subscribed to the bug, I just see comments on the web bug log,
when I am not in Cc...

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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