Bonjour Christian :)

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 09:02:22AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> I recently had some mail exchange with a nice spanish fellow named
> Carlos Valdivia Yagüe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Maybe some of you know him.

Yeah, I wish we more translators like him ;)

> Carlos kindly translated into spanish the debconf templates for
> geneweb (web-based genealogical software) for which I'm the package
> maintainer).
> I asked him whether he knows someone who would help and translate "my"
> templates into catalan (this would be nice as geneweb itself is
> translated in catalan).
> So, here am I..:)

So, here is one translation. Maybe some other team members want to make
changes to my translation, so please wait one or two days before
uploading geneweb with the Catalan stuff.

I found a few nits in the English templates:

One of them talks about "next screen", "yes", etc.
I feel this is too front-end specific. Maybe the GNOME frontend shows
all the stuff in just one screen, so there is no "next screen".
The way to accept something might change between frontends too, so
assuming there's a "Yes" or "No" option might not be a good idea either.

I changed the wording a bit in the Catalan translation.

> Of course, there is maybe already something for translating all Debian
> templates into catalan. Then I would of course wait for the process to
> arrive to geneweb (we have such thing for fr translations,
> coordinations by Denis Barbier).

Not yet. We're a small team, but world domination is in progress.
Prepare to learn Catalan :)

> Greetings from coooooold Paris today. 

Come to sunny & warm València ;p

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
GnuPG public key information available at
Template: geneweb/lang
Type: select
Choices: Afrikaans (af), Catalan (ca), Chinese (zh), Czech (cs), Danish (da), 
Dutch (nl), English (en), Esperanto (eo), Estonian (et), Finnish (fi), French 
(fr), German (de), Hebrew (he), Icelandic (is), Italian (it), Latvian (lv), 
Norwegian (no), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Spanish (es), 
Swedish (sv)
Choices-ca: afrikaans (af), català (ca), xinès (zh), txec (cs), danès (da), 
holandès (nl), anglès (en), esperanto (eo), estonià (et), finès (fi), francès 
(fr), alemany (de), hebreu (he), islandès (is), italià (it), letó (lv), noruec 
(no), polonès (pl), portuguès (pt), rus (ru), espanyol (es), suec (sv)
Default: English (en)
Description: Geneweb default language :
 Geneweb can display its prompts in a number of languages.
 Select a default language for Geneweb to use in its page rendering.
 Other languages will however remains available.
Description-ca: Llengua per defecte de Geneweb:
 Geneweb pot mostrar els seus diàlegs en diferents llengües.
 Seleccioneu una llengua per defecte que Geneweb utilitzarà en les creacions de
 Les altres llengües encara estaran disponibles.

Template: geneweb/remainingdir
Type: note
Description: Old directory /var/geneweb not erased.
 Previous versions of both official and unofficial packages for Geneweb
 used non FHS-compliant /var/geneweb directory for storing databases. . It
 has been detected that such directory was used on your system. Some files
 have been moved from there to /var/lib/geneweb but installation scripts
 found files they are not aware of in /var/geneweb.
 Thus the directory has been left intact. It is highly recommended that you
 check for files there and move them in /var/lib/geneweb and then remove
 the /var/geneweb directory.
Description-ca: El directori vell /var/geneweb no s'ha esborrat
 Versions anteriors dels paquets oficials i no oficials de Geneweb usaven
 un directori /var/geneweb, no conformant amb la FHS, per a desar les bases
 de dades. S'ha detectat que aquest directori s'ha usat en el vostre sistema.
 Alguns fitxers s'han mogut des d'allí a /var/lib/geneweb, però els scripts
 d'instal·lació han trobat fitxers dels que no saben res en /var/geneweb.
 Per açò, el directori s'ha deixat intacte. Es molt recomanable que comproveu
 els fitxers d'aquest directori i els mogueu a /var/lib/geneweb i després
 elimineu el directori /var/geneweb.

Template: geneweb/remove_databases
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Should database directory be removed during the purge of geneweb?
 The database directory (/var/lib/geneweb) will contain the databases
 served by the main geneweb daemon (launched at boot). These databases will
 be put there by authorized users (members of the "geneweb" group).
 Please chose whether you want to remove databases automatically when
 purging the package (completely removing it) by running `dpkg --purge
 THIS WOULD ERASE USER-OWNED DATA. You have to be sure if you choose to
 answer "Yes" in the next screen.
 Note that if this directory is empty at the time you purge or simply
 remove the package, it will always be automatically removed.
Description-ca: S'hauria d'eliminar el directori de bases de dades al purgar 
 El directori de bases de dades (/var/lib/geneweb) contindrà les bases de dades
 servides pel dimoni principal de geneweb (que s'executa a l'arrencar).
 Aquestes bases de dades les ficaran usuaris autoritzats (membres del grup
 Si us plau, decidiu si voleu eliminar les bases de dades automàticament quan
 es purgue el paquet (eliminant-lo completament) executant «dpkg --purge
 AÇÒ ESBORRARIA DADES D'USUARIS. Teniu que estar segur abans de acceptar açò.
 Teniu en compte que si aquest directori està buit quan purgueu o només lleveu
 el paquet, sempre s'eliminarà automàticament.

Attachment: pgpLoQmItmGkU.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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